Thunderflies – Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, It’s Thunderflies!

Bring a friend

The most common thunderstorm is called a solitary storm. We call it that because it occurs by itself. If you’re planning to photograph thunderstorms, you’re most likely going to encounter other photographers and a lot of people. The best way to handle this is to take a DSLR camera and a friend along. You don’t want to be the guy or girl who’s shooting photos and not in the moment. Take a friend who is experienced with photography and can help you get the best out of the moment. Thunderflies

Dress for comfort

When you’re going to a concert or a sports game, you’re going to be wearing your favorite jersey and jeans. The same thing goes for capturing the beauty of a thunderstorm. You might want to bring a rain jacket, a pair of old shorts or a hat to keep the water off your body. Dress comfortable so that you don’t feel bad if it starts to rain. You don’t want to be in your favorite dress or a suit that you’d be uncomfortable wearing in the rain. If you’re going to be out in the open, bring a backpack that you can keep your camera, phone and other important items in.

Watch the weather

It’s safe to say that the weather plays a role in when and where the best time to photograph the lightning is. Before you head out to the field, check the weather forecast. You don’t want to head out there when the lightning is too strong or when the weather is too bad. On the other hand, if you get there when it isn’t as strong and the weather is good, it’s going to be dark and you’re not going to be able to see the lightning very well.

Keep an eye out for these insects

You might see big insects like moths, lightning bugs or wasps. The reason why these insects are attracted to the weather is because it’s the only time of the year that they can fly around. Even though they aren’t flying around at the same time, they’re still attracted to the lightning. If you see any of these insects while out photographing, don’t try to catch them. You’re better off just taking photos of them in flight.

Don’t miss any of the action and plan ahead

If you’re going to photograph the thunderstorm, you need to plan ahead. Make sure you have your camera with you and that you’re ready to shoot as soon as the lightning starts. This will make sure that you don’t miss any of the action. Make sure you have plenty of batteries, a water bottle and a place to stay at a distance from the field. You don’t want to be near the field when the lightning is too strong or when it’s raining too hard. This will make it hard for you to capture the lightning. Make sure you have a place to stay that is far from the field. You don’t want to be near the field when they’re too strong or when it’s raining too hard.


Don’t worry if you don’t see lightning the first time you go out to photograph a thunderstorm. The best thing to do is to go out and photograph the storm again and again. Observe the weather and the lightning and wait for the right conditions so that you can capture some amazing photos. The best thing to do is to wait for the right conditions so that you can capture the lightning and the clouds at the same time. Use a telephoto lens, a wide-angle lens or a combination of both to capture the lightning and the clouds at the same time.

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